Wednesday 23 November 2011

Facebook page for BAMFORD!

I created a Facebook page for BAMFORD, with the understanding that a majority of the nation, albeit the world's population will have their own personal page. Social networking is a tecnological phenomena that has engrossed the teenage generation of the 21st Century. This allows BAMFORD to be seen and heard the world over thanks to technological proliferation - this page can be viewed from laptops, computers, phones, iPods, iPads and many other gadgets which will set off a chain reaction and thus a wider audience will be reached.
Twitter is also a technological phenomena, people can 'tweet' on-the-go and on the same gadgets they would use for Facebook. Through these means, fans can be updated 24/7 about the show and even begin trends using the infamous 'hash-tag' (#) so, again, a wider audience can be reached.


Here is the 2ND DRAFT of my BAMFORD trailer :). I have:
  • Added more scenes, including a fight sequence between the three lads, creating a climax to the video
  • Added title cards to keep the audience guessing what is going to happen in the programs to come
  • Added a voiceover at the beginning to add a little humanity to the trailer - the audience will hear it and feel that they are involved in the program.

Monday 21 November 2011


This the first ever rough cut of my BAMFORD trailer! First off, I should begin by explaining what is happening; At the beginning it is an establishing shot of the central pub - which is what the soap is named after. Next, each character is introduced:
  • Sasha Blake (Me): The 'Bitch',
  • Mason O'Conor (Liam): The Guy who leaves Kate at the alter, 
  • Rav Valentine (Phil): The Overprotective brother, 
  • Bree Valentine (Corina): Damaged Goods, 
  • Johnny Foster (Haseeb): The Jerk, 
  • Kate Spencer (Ellie): High Strung,
  • Dylan Salvatore (Lucy): The Peacemaker. 
Each of these characters are interconnected:
  • Sasha knows everything that happens, and sticks her nose into it,
  • Mason left Kate at the alter and is now back to get Rav who is having a secret affair with her, 
  • Rav is Bree's older brother and is overprotective of her because she is in an 'on/off' relationship with Johnny, 
  • Bree is pregnant with Johnny's baby and doesn't know what to do,  at the end of the trailer, the audience is left with a cliffhanger because Sasha comes running in, saving Rav in the process, shouting that something has happened to her (this isn't in the trailer yet)
  • Johnny is dealing drugs to Mason who in the event makes a deal with Johnny to beat Rav at the Bamford Arms that night,
  • Dylan is best friends with Kate and is trying to keep the peace, but fails to do so in the end.
(Q3) After getting audience feedback for this version - I found I needed to remove some of the edit 'cross-blurs' because they cut into the dialogue, and add some title cards to allow the audience to keep track.

Friday 18 November 2011

Update :)

My group and I have now, very possibly FINISHED filming our TV Soap Trailer, which coincidently - because the main events happen at the pub - is now called BAMFORD...

All that's left now to do is edit all the various clips together and hope that what we've got is good enough for an awesome grade! There are many new versions of the script, with bits cut out and new bits put in, but all in all we have created some ace footage even cith a few complications along the way.

Till next time S :)

Saturday 12 November 2011

E4 Style Guide: Branding

(Q2) This is the E4 Style guide, which can be found at 
It allows my posters and trailer to look as professional as possible because it tells me the exact location, size, colour and font I need to use.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

CLASH: Possible Logo

This is the possible logo/title image of CLASH. The red colour implies danger, rage, love, passion - all of the things that are embeded into our soap opera. The lightning bolt at the end of the title implies that the characters are always on edge with each other, they are always up to something whether it be bad or good.

In the end, the group and I decided not to go for this name because it didn't match the conventions of the soap genre. The name for our soap opera is: BAMFORD, because the vital scenes take place in and around the pub called the Bamford Arms, and the town of Stockport. We chose to make the pub the central point of all storylines because all the regular British soaps have a central pub; Coronation St - Rovers Return, EastEnders - Queen Vic etc.
the pub has a modern decor so it is the perfect setting for a modern soap oopera.