Tuesday 13 December 2011

Third Rough Cut of BAMFORD

Since the second rough cut, I have:
  • Added new title cards - in the 2nd RC they were black and oddly spaced apart, so to make sure they really caught the audiences eye, I have made them red and very bold. they are also placed at regular intervals to help the audience keep track
  • Looped the soundtrack using GarageBand to ensure that there were not any jumps in the music when I originally cut it so there were no lyrics playing
  • Edited the ending - in the first RC, there was no ending, in the 2nd there was but very badly edited. I have deleated many of the 'cross-blurs' because they were cutting into the dialogue which made it very hard to hear what the actors were saying
  • Since the 2nd RC, we have filmed new scenes in better lighting which have replaced the old footage. But because of the location being next to an extremely busy, noisy road (A6) there is still the problem of hearing the actors when they talk. In the editing process, I tried to dub the background noise but all this just made the dialogue sound hollow and unreal. I also tried to raise the level of volume but that also increased the volume of the trucks driving past. The location was next to a crossroads so there was an opportunity to shoot when the traffic lights were on red, but timing this would've had to have been impecable and the schedule we were on was very tight so the oppurtunity never arose
  • We have refilmed the fight sequence between Rav, Johnny and Mason because the original footage shot in the evening and turned out to be too dark to get a proper view of the action taking place. We re-shot the sequence in the late afternoon so it was still slightly dark but not too dark; this has ensured that we can get the most out of this sequence.
We did come across a few implications along the way however:
  • Our second camera, was one I had brought from home, was a SONY camera, the footage had been burned onto a mini-disk which will only transfer with SONY technology, and wouldn't transfer the footage onto the Mac's. So I had to take it home with me, convert it into a file that would be accepted by the Mac's to bring my pendrive back the next day to be transfered. The footage was also a lesser quality to that which was on the college's cameras, but it suited the genre because it made the audience feel as though they were no better off than the characters they were watching.
  • On the second day of filming, we had limited time on the camera because the battery was running out and there was limited space on the memory; we knew we would have to get it right now, or not at all. The two cameras we had were placed at different angles to get the best view, unfortunately, when we returned from filming and tried to put it on the Mac's, the footage on one camera was not compatible. Luckily, the footage on the other camera was adequate.
    I have also collected some audience feedback from this (third) version (Q3):
    • there should be a question on every title slide to keep the audience guessing as to what is going to happen
    • it is very hard to hear what the actors are saying in the scenes on location at the pub (Bamford Arms - next to the A6)
    • The close-up/slow-motion turn of my character Sasha towards the end whilst Rav is getting beaten up by Johnny and Mason should be removed because it interferes with the action which should be getting to a climax, not an anti-climax
    • I should make the fight sequence progressivly worse so the audience can feel the tension between the characters
    • The title card and the hash tag/facebook address at the end should be purple and white to correspond with E4 branding (Font: American Typewriter).

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